We, like many of you, are currently being bombarded by emails from the Democrats. Some of us have even tried to get off the list. This is an actual amail sent to get off list, after first using the unsubcribe link. This email address continues to get emails from the Democrats.


* this EXACTLY what i said when i tried to unsub 8/28 stupid DCC.ORG – final unsub, and why: “i’ve had it. have tried to get you, numerous times, to send less email. every damn day, and now from other Dems, and it’s too much. you Dems come off as whinier & whinier; if you would just take a pg from the Rs’ playbook you would get people like me (NOT a Dem) to rally behind you. i added “dccorg” to my last name so i’d know if you gave my address to others; yes you have. the straw that broke the camel’s back was today attempt at guilt-inducing. if you Dems spent a fraction of the time you spend whining & bugging for $$, on actual intelligent fighting for what’s right AND fighting backā€¦. our govt would NOT be so screwed up, and MANY more would vote. C’mon, you idiots!! now GO AWAY.” “UNSUBSCRIBE CONFIRMATION The email address xxxxx@notanumberinc.com has been removed from all future mailings” RIIIIIIIIGHT.


Since WA State has strong anti-spam laws, we’re considering some kind of legal action just to rattle their cage, as enough is enough!

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