Not A Number Cards & Gifts » Six Things to make you think. Things to make you smile. Fri, 29 Nov 2013 19:08:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 So long and thanks for all the fish!! Fri, 29 Nov 2013 19:08:37 +0000 Six Greetings all! We post after being offline for WAY TOO LONG!!! Our apologies to all of our faithful longtime customers and friends who have dropped by our lonely unopened store over the last year. As many of you read in our notes, we had been caregiving for the Head Cheese’s (HC) grandmother in Colorado. She was the sweetest soul on the planet! She passed away in April and the HC and I were left to tend to many of the affairs of the estate – what a pain! Anyway, we returned to Seattle in September looking towards what to to with the store (re-open?); however we took some time off to go to Burning Man (what a blast), and while we were coming back the HC slipped and broke her leg.

So to make a long story shorter, we are closing the store with a whimper, not a bang. Any of you who want to drop by today or tomorrow, we will be loading up stuff/packing etc. We’d love to see any/all of you. We will pop up again – the HC wants to do mobile retailing?! We also will be FINALLY getting some of our stuff online, and many of our books will be listed on Amazon. EVERYTHING IS ON SALE, including the fixtures and displays (PLEASE takes some of these off our hands!!)

We do really want to thank all of you for your patronage over the years!!!

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APOLOGIES – on continued closure Sat, 20 Oct 2012 17:11:46 +0000 Six To all our valued customers and friends we sincerely apologize for the continued and unexpected closures. As many of you are aware we are a small owner operated store (just us two).  We recently – well not so recently were called away to help care for our grandmother, who will be 96 in November, and currently resides on her farm north of Denver.  This was supposed to be a quick visit with one of us returning to run the store  within a few days. During that time we had arranged with our some friends to cover the store in our absence. Unfortunately during our stay Grandma was diagnosed with an incurable lung condition (what a surprise at 96 :-) requiring major changes in the level of care that she needs. This has precipitated us staying in Denver MUCH longer that we anticipated and forcing us to close the store during our absence.  Our apologies to all who have come by to find us closed – we’re somewhat isolated on the farm and have not kept up with email/internet posting – not to mention being very busy getting grandma situated.


For what it’s worth our grandmother is adorable (at least we think so).  See more adorable images.


Grandma in cow hat

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FREE TIX – Stephanie Miller’s Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour Sat, 29 Sep 2012 18:35:55 +0000 Six Friend just gave us 2 tickets for tonight’s show, here in Seattle. Free to the first one to come by or call with absolute confirmation that they can pick them up and use them tonight. 206.784.0965. We’re bummed we can’t use them, but we have other stuff going on.

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Registered to vote? Wed, 26 Sep 2012 19:12:19 +0000 Six If your eligible to vote and not registered, please be sure and register and vote in this upcoming election.  If you don’t vote, don’t bitch!

Not registered?  Come register at the Literacy Source registration drive, Oct. 2 from 1:00-2:30pm, right behind our store.

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REOPEN AS NORMAL!!! Fri, 21 Sep 2012 22:33:38 +0000 Six Step-dad has passed away; however he was 92 and had lived a good, full life.]]> After many of the family emergencies, we are back to being open as normal!! Our apologies for any inconvenience.  Step-dad has passed away; however he was 92 and had lived a good, full life.

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CLOSED again – Yikes! Thu, 06 Sep 2012 19:06:17 +0000 Six Due to ongoing family issues, we will be closed again this Thursday and Friday (Sept. 6 & 7). Would someone tell people to stop getting old :-) ! We apologize for any inconvenience

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Closed today due to more family issues, sigh… Tue, 04 Sep 2012 18:30:34 +0000 Six We will be closed today due to an imminent death in the family. Not unexpected, but you never seem to be as prepared as you think.

At this point we may be closed much of the rest of this week; however that has not been determined yet.

We do apologize for any inconvenience, and look forward to seeing you all again soon.

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Signs updated Thu, 23 Aug 2012 19:03:50 +0000 Six Just updated our Burma Shave to the somewhat hokey slogan(s) below – These are only until Mid September.

Going West:

  • If something at Not A Number
  • Didn’t make you
  • Laugh, Smile or Think
  • Then you’re not paying attention!

Going East:

  • Stop at Not A Number
  • And you’ll be tickled pink
  • By stuff that makes you
  • Laugh, Smile and Think


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El Wire in stock! Thu, 23 Aug 2012 19:00:18 +0000 Six For all you Burners, we do have a good selection of EL-Wire kits in stock, in a variety of colors, including the ever popular blue! Only $31 for the 10 foot length with a 3 setting controller.

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Free DVDs – nor purchase required! Thu, 23 Aug 2012 01:00:33 +0000 Six Come on in and get your free DVD while supplies last – no purchase required. Get yourself a copy of

  • Meet your Meat
  • 9-11 Mysteries
  • Iraq for Sale

Yes they are old, but they are still good – come move them from our store to your home!

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